Things are sprouting and growing apace now that it's warmed up a bit. It's a good time of year for birdwatching, without leaves on the trees to get in the way. Let's see if I can remember all the birds I've seen in the last week on or near the wetland:
Black-crowned night heron
Double-crested cormorant
Canada goose
Mallard duck
Red-winged blackbird
Black-throated blue warbler
Black-capped Chickadee
Belted kingfisher
Hairy woodpecker
Song sparrow
Red-tailed hawk
Mourning dove
Blue jay (heard)
There are even a few flowers to brighten up the picture. Here's some scilla:
Apparently it's not native, so I guess I should be digging it up, but I have my hands full with the garlic mustard. I'll take pictures of my progress next time.