Leaves and seedpods of a black locust tree, one of the species we're removing from the Beechwood site:

Wild grape leaves and Virginia creeper (red leaves, berries) provide a hit of colour:
Hairy woodpecker -- check out the big bill!
Dog-strangling vine seedpods burst open to disperse fluffy seeds:
The poison ivy is flourishing:
Ummm, where exactly is that poison ivy because, most importantly, have I been near it????????
The main place I've seen poison ivy is along the river side of the path between the Beechwood site and Pottery Road. There's also some beside Pottery Road itself as you go toward Todmorden. No doubt it's elsewhere too. For now I haven't noticed any on the Beechwood Site, but it's not very far away, so it may be just a matter of time. Be on the lookout!
I'm thinking that if you've come into contact with it you'll soon know. :) Remember that jewelweed is your friend -- not that I would advocate picking a lovely native wildflower, of course. But if some accidentally snapped off in your hand, you could rub the juice from the stem into your skin where it contacted the poison ivy ...
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