Friday, June 01, 2007

We had our first official outing at Beechwood the other night. The team cleared out another mountain of garlic mustard, leaving the site fairly clear of it for now. Amazing! Of course the leaves of next year's crop are everywhere, but we'll deal with that next year as it bolts and flowers.

After our work session we toured the site and learned about its history and the challenges we face in restoring it. Here some team members take a look at the pond:

I was trying to respect everyone's privacy, not shoot faces etc. but when they heard about that they couldn't line up fast enough for a real group photo. Here's the gang from that night:
And a fine-looking bunch we are, too. Here we see another volunteer, Iris, a bit farther down the path:

Finally, I had heard about the wild socks parties in the valley but never believed it until now. Simply shocking: