Tuesday, June 26, 2007

The weather does not sound at all promising for tomorrow night's outing. In case we have to cancel because of thunderstorms, here are some random pictures to give you a little Beechwood fix.

The blackeyed susans have started blooming:

This is what the blue flags do after they flower:

A clump of milkweed in flower. That looks like a hummingbird above them, in the distance, or maybe it's a hummingbird moth.

Crown vetch got its name because the flower looks like a crown:

Similarly, cow vetch got its name because its flowers look like ... well, no, that doesn't look much like a cow:

I don't know this gorgeous little flower, but isn't it perfect? I didn't quite capture the delicate pale yellow colour of the heart-shaped petals.

This is a bit closer to the colour:

1 comment:

Donwatcher said...

It looks like a cinquefoil. Some species are native, some aren't. I'd have to have a look at it.