Friday, August 14, 2009

I'm back on my feet, just in time for a week of actual summer weather. This summer has been very good for me so far, never getting too hot for me to go outside and play, but now the temperature is creeping up and the humidity is closing in. Early mornings are still pleasant, though, and I headed to Beechwood for the first time in five days.

The heron was right where I left him on Sunday:

Still preening:

Still scratching:

Throwing in a little yoga for good measure:

Even the fence looked good in the morning light:

I walked right to the far end of the site, where I don't often visit. It has issues, including a large section of common reed as well as the usual suspects. Dog-strangling vine is flowing down the hill like lava, threatening all in its path:

I noticed a bit of DSV near Pottery Road that had been nibbled by some kind of bug, but I don't think this amount of damage will have much effect:

The goldenrod is beginning to flower:

A plant, a bug:

Sumac details:

'Tis the season of giant spiders in giant webs strung between the trees. If you're lucky you notice them before you walk through them. If not, it's the spiderweb dance for you!

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