Parts of Ontario were hit with
severe storms last night, causing a lot of damage and killing at least one person. It was certainly stormy right here in mid-Toronto but I don't see much damage in my immediate neighbourhood or around Beechwood. The willows across from Todmorden Mills took a hit, but that happens all the time. Willows are beautiful, flimsy things.

I encountered a creature with striking markings. Can you guess what this is?

Time's up! It's a giant garden slug:

With keys to show size:

A black-crowned night heron studying the Don River:

The storm, little birdie feet and a yellow heart-shaped leaf created some artwork beside the river:

That slug has cool markings. I've never seen the like. The slugs I've seen in my area (Central Connecticut, U.S.) are plain brown.
Pretty wild, huh? Our normal slugs are just browny-grey too. I think this is only the second time I've seen a giant leopard one.
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